REWIRE – Leveraging new collaborations for circular agriculture missions

Project Consortium

A diverse research team

The REWIRE consortium consists of 19 co-applicants from five research institutions:

Utrecht University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University and Research, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, and HAS Green Academy University of Applied Sciences.

With that we cover a broad range of expertise from mission-oriented innovation policy, sustainable agriculture, open innovation and ecosystem management, to ecosystem co-design, as well as education and learning.





Societal stakeholders in the consortium

Our research project brings together a robust consortium of diverse stakeholders, each contributing uniquely towards fostering innovative solutions in agriculture. This rich collaboration includes:

  • Government Ministries: The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Safety, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy are key in leading national agricultural mission policies.
  • Regional Authorities: Provinces such as Noord-Brabant, Zuid-Holland, Overijssel, and Gelderland actively support agricultural transitions, offering a regional perspective and policy support.
  • Educational Institutes: Institutes like Lentiz MBO Oostland engage in essential educational and research activities, enriching the consortium with cutting-edge academic insights.
  • NGOs and Networks: Entities such as Natuur & Milieu Gelderland and Greenport West-Holland play crucial roles in mobilizing networks and engaging a wide range of actors in the agricultural sector.
  • Agribusinesses and Industry Associations: Partners like Forever Plants and Plantum offer direct industry insights and facilitate wide-reaching sectoral engagement.
  • Development Agencies and Think Tanks: Organizations such as OostNL and BrabantKennis bring expertise in regional development and ecosystem management, enhancing the project’s strategic reach.
  • Consultancies: Firms like Dialogic and NewForesight provide expertise in innovation policy, sustainable market transformation, and strategic governance, ensuring the project’s alignment with cutting-edge practices.

Together, these stakeholders not only fund and collaborate on our project but also share a collective commitment to advancing agricultural innovations. Their diverse expertise and networks are instrumental in driving the success of REWIRE.