REWIRE – Leveraging new collaborations for circular agriculture missions

WP5: Collective Learning Platform

WP5 establishes a Collective Learning Platform as a cornerstone of the REWIRE project, facilitating cross-level, cross-regional, and cross-mission learning, and integration to amplify innovation diffusion and scale-up. This initiative addresses the challenge of innovation stagnation due to isolated efforts, promoting a shared space where stakeholders can exchange experiences, failures, and successes, thus enhancing the efficiency of innovation processes across the board. 

Identifying good practice and learning goals sets the stage by exploring current stakeholder practices in ecosystem development and improvement. A senior researcher from THUAS spearheads this effort, identifying successful knowledge exchanges and impactful practices from other work packages. This task aims to compile a comprehensive view of effective strategies and define future learning objectives for the platform. 

We then develop a structured learning approach to build on the insights gathered before and to craft a multi-level learning strategy that encourages stakeholder collaboration. Inspired by academic research on ecosystem learning, this approach is designed to foster interaction across policy levels, between policies and ecosystems, and among ecosystems within and across regions and missions. 

We aim to create impact through learning by organizing annual large-scale and focused learning events to facilitate deep dialogue and community building among stakeholders. In partnership with Rianne Valkenburg (TU/e), this task will co-design events that not only serve as platforms for exchanging practices but also experiment with new learning approaches derived from the structured learning strategy. 

Tool validation and tracking impact focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of learning experiments and the application of new practices across stakeholders. Through interviews and longitudinal analysis, this task will assess the impact of the collective learning activities, informing the continuous improvement of the learning platform. 

In learning from others, we aim to expand the platform’s learning horizon by engaging with external projects and communities. This task seeks to exchange insights with national projects like the NWO KIA6 and the NWO NWA project on sustainable food systems, and to share learnings at international conferences, enriching the collective learning experience within REWIRE. 

prof. Liliya Terzieva
Work Package Leader
The Hague University of Applied Sciences Read more
Armand van Oostrom
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Youetta Visser
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
dr. Rianne Valkenburg
Eindhoven University of Technology